What Is Zero Gravity?

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What Is Zero Gravity ?

‘Zero Gravity’ is about
finding our happy place.
And Granting ourselves permission to spend some time there so that we can recharge, reconnect, and exist with a little more
peace & purpose.

Intuitively I know that life ‘should’ be more systematic and balanced.
However, my creative brain likes to spin.

When I see winds spiraling - they appear powerful, majestic & unstoppable.
I soon discover that being a hot mess of strong spiraling winds is not always the best way to live a joyful life :)

When I feel like the whirlwind, I try to remember

The entire hurricane rotates
around the eye
which is also the
calmest place of the storm

If there’s spinning, it’s raining and the winds are charging
How can that center be our Happy Place?
Because we can stand there safely without being touched by the storm.

The eye is like an axis.
It’s the center of our beings

When we feel safe, strong, and solid in that stillness
We are able to embody a life where we can just BE in the storm
and stay connected with
our genuine, authentic self
Even when the world is spinning around us.

Imagine your happy place
Physical space - emotional feeling - Connection - flow
Whatever makes you smile

IF you’ve nailed it, when you close your eyes and breathe into that place
You become Like the center of the storm
Powerful, Calm & Untouchable

That’s “Zero Gravity”
It’s a way of being enables us to glide more freely through life.
When there's no resistance within or around us, it's like floating in space
(like the planets or astronauts!)

It’s not about a life where we exist in a ' the world revolves around me' mindset

It’s realizing
When we’re in Zero Gravity - we feel lighter.
And When we feel lighter, our inner light can shine more brightly.
When we Shine? We give off more light for those around us.

Isn’t that what It’s about?
Welcome to Your Happy Place
enjoy the ride


A Happy Place in Your Pocket


The Power of the “Pause”